Did you know that musculoskeletal pain is often common before, during and even after cancer treatment? This pain can become a chronic problem for those undergoing cancer treatment along with those that have recovered. Today, we’re discussing acupuncture treatment for cancer patients and what Clinical Oncology News had to say about a recent study on the topic. Have questions about cancer patient acupuncture? Interested in scheduling an appointment for acupuncture in Clearwater? We would be happy to help with any of your needs, simply give Dawn Potter Acupuncture a call.
A recent study, presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology and reported in Clinical Oncology News, included 360 adult cancer survivors who had no signs of disease but suffered from chronic musculoskeletal pain. In this study, chronic pain is defined as active pain lasting at least three months and self-rated 4 or higher in the past week on a 0-10 pain scale. Each of the patients in the study had recently completed cancer treatment in the last month and had been experiencing pain for an extended period of time, most had been experiencing pain for 5+ years.
During the study, the group was randomly assigned to one of the three groups, some received electroacupuncture, some auricular acupuncture and some usual care. Those that received acupuncture treatment received weekly treatments for 10 weeks. The acupuncture groups in the study had more reduced pain than those that received usual care, with electroacupuncture being more effective than auricular acupuncture. Mental and physical quality of life was also improved in the acupuncture groups in comparison to the usual care group.
Start Cancer Patient Acupuncture in Clearwater Today
Have you or a loved one recently finished cancer treatment? Are you currently undergoing care for cancer? Acupuncture can be a wonderful tool during these times. To get started, simply contact Dawn Potter Acupuncture to schedule a consultation. We would be delighted to help with any of your needs.