Have you been considering acupuncture treatment in Clearwater, Florida? Want to know the benefits before you begin? We completely understand. Acupuncture has been used for many many years to address a wide range of health complications. Various studies have been done around the world that support the notion that acupuncture can be used to address a range of ailments and conditions. Today we’re discussing acupuncture, what it is and how it can benefit your overall well being.
About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that has been practiced for thousands of years. Acupuncture is based on the premise that a blockage in the flow of the life energy of the body, or “qi,” can lead to health issues and ailments.
During acupuncture treatment, an acupuncturist inserts tiny needles to acupuncture points throughout the body. This is done to promote relaxation, stimulate healing and restore the flow of qi in the body.
Uses of Acupuncture
Acupuncture can be a wonderful treatment option for a wide range of conditions, including but not limited to:
Chronic Pain
Sinus Congestion
Weight Loss
The Benefits of Acupuncture
When performed safely by a trained professional, acupuncture can have various benefits, including the fact it has very few side effects, can be combined with other treatment options and can help patients for whom medication may not be suitable or where other treatment options have failed.
Starting Acupuncture Treatment
Interested in starting acupuncture treatment in Clearwater, Florida? We recommend scheduling a consultation with Dawn Potter Acupuncture, from there we can learn about your health history and determine the best treatment options possible for you at our practice in Clearwater.
Schedule Acupuncture in Clearwater Today
Ready to schedule your appointment with Dawn Potter Acupuncture in Clearwater? Reach out today, we would be delighted to get you added to our schedule for an appointment.