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Success: Autism Spectrum Disorder


*I started seeing Dr. Dawn for my personal health (allergies, back pain). She has been a wonderful doctor for me – kind, compassionate and, most importantly, effective. But Dawn has offered me and my family so much more.


If you are a parent seeking a way to help your child who may have developmental issues or nervous system issues (ADHD, sensory issues), Dr. Dawn’s knowledge and expertise may give you the help, support and answers for which you have been searching. In this country, we are unaccustomed to Eastern medicine so you may be skeptical. How can herbs and acupuncture possibly work? And if it does work, why isn’t everyone in the medical community sharing this knowledge? I can’t answer that second question. I am amazed at the resistance the Western medical community gives to what they consider to be alternative treatments. I am here to tell you that Dr. Dawn’s therapies have worked for both me and my son, Adam. For you parents who are searching – this is your sign.


My son was diagnosed with a receptive and expressive speech delay around the age of two. This means that not only did he have problems speaking, he also had trouble understanding words and meaning. He was later diagnosed with a mild sensory processing disorder. For him, this means that he is a sensory-seeking kid. He is very “rough and tumble.” He needs the physical sensation of jumping, sometimes running into things, etc. To the layperson, it might seem that he is just “all boy.” That is true, but there is more to it.


Dr. Dawn has been invaluable in her direction on supplements, herbs and foods that not only helped to keep Adam well but also flourishing in his development. It was only from Dawn that I learned of infant/toddler probiotics that keeps Adam’s immune system strong. (When I mentioned to our pediatrician that I believed the probiotics had kept Adam from getting recurring ear infections she said, “Oh yeah, I give that to my kids.” HELLO? Why don’t you bother to mention this to your PATIENTS?).


It is from Dr. Dawn that I learned about giving Adam omega 3-6-9 oil as a supplement for brain development. Now we also give him lemon flavored cod liver oil as well. Finally, it is from Dawn that I learned about Liver Life. These are herbal drops that have helped Adam become more calm and focused. Also, after taking the Liver Life herbal drops for just a few days, Adam’s teachers and others reported an increase in his expressive speech and greater understanding. Adam has always made steady, positive progress with his speech. However, this was a true breakthrough for us.


Given my interaction with my son’s Western doctors and therapists and with Dr. Dawn, this is what I know: Western medical philosophy seems to state that where developmental and neurological delays are concerned, “there is something wrong with the brain, so we must retrain the brain to work properly” through speech and behavioral therapies, etc. Eastern medical philosophy seems to state “there is nothing wrong with the brain but something is off with the body that keeps the brain from functioning properly and we will clear the body.” I cannot say that Adam has not benefited from speech therapy — he has and I am grateful. But we would not have seen this extent of progress without Dr. Dawn. Adam is now on track to attend typical Kindergarten in 2010.


– Jennifer B., Safety Harbor, FL


*Individual results may vary.



2907 FL-590 Suite 6A,

Clearwater, FL 33759

Phone: (727) 475-4710, ext 1


Hours (by appt only)
Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30a - 6:30p

Thur: 1:30p - 6:30p
Sat (alternating): 
9:30a - 1:30p

© 2025 Dawn Potter Acupuncture

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